Privacy Policy

Last Update March 20, 2022

By visiting and, you consent to our Privacy Policy.


Ananda Shala Healing, LLC (“Company”) is committed to protecting your privacy online. This Privacy Policy describes the personal data we collect through (the “Site”) and (the “Booking Site”), and what we do with it.

Visitors and users of the Site and the Booking Site are referred to as “user”, “you” and “your” and the Company is referred to as “we,” “us,” and “our.” The Company processes personal data as a Controller defined by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Accessing the Site and the Booking Site constitutes a use of the Site and the Booking Site and an acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

Use of the Site and the Booking Site, including all materials presented herein and all online Services provided by the Company, is subject to the following Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all Site and the Booking Site visitors, customers, and other users. By using the Site and the Booking Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy, without modification, and acknowledge reading it.

Data We Collect and How We Use It

We collect the personal information you voluntarily provide to us, including your name and email address, to subscribe to our newsletter, receive our content, comment on our blog, and/or purchase services or online products. There is also other personal data we may collect detailed herein. 

We collect data from you directly when you fill out a form, purchase a product, or communicate with us via email or social media. We also collect data from you when you use our Site and Booking Site. We may collect personal data from third parties such as our payment processors, advertising networks, and/or analytics providers. Your data is stored in a secure platform. We use your data for processing as outlined below or for a reasonably compatible purpose.  

A. Usage Data. We may process data about your use of our Site and Booking Site. This may include your IP address, browser type, operating system, geographical location, page views, website navigation paths, and frequency and/or pattern of your use of our website. This data is collected through our analytics tracking systems, including Google Analytics. This data is used to analyze our website's use, deliver relevant content and advertising, and understand our users. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest, namely monitoring and improving our Site, Booking Site, marketing, and services. 

B. Customer Data. We may process user data, such as name, email address, address, telephone, credit card number, and other relevant data as related to purchases of our products and/or services. We process this data to supply products and/or services to you and market other relevant goods and services to you. The legal basis for processing is consent and your affirmative action to enter into such contract with us and/or the purchase and delivery of the contract between you and us. 

C. User Data. We may process personal information you provide us to subscribe to our email notifications, free content, and/or newsletters and communication data that you send to us either through email, social media, or other posting and/or communication methods. We process this data to communicate with you, deliver relevant website content, and send you marketing content and/or email emails. The legal basis for this process is consent or our legitimate interests, which is to grow our business and keep records that may need to pursue or defend a legal action.

Marketing and Advertising

The above Data may be used to send you marketing communications about our business or products. The legal basis for this type of processing is either consent or our legitimate interests in growing our business. We may send you such communications if you request it and/or agree to receive such communications. You may opt-out of such communications through the ‘unsubscribe’ button in each email or by contacting us at

Any of the above Data may be used to deliver advertisements to you, including Facebook Ads, Instagram, and/or other similar advertisements. We may also use such Data to understand the effectiveness of our advertising. The legal basis for this type of processing is our legitimate interest to grow our business through marketing and advertising.

Sharing Your Personal Data

We share your information with trusted third parties who support running this website, including any blog or newsletter, as well as those parties and services that help administer our business. Your data will never be shared with unrelated third parties. We may disclose your information to payment service providers, administrative and marketing providers, business advisors, or third parties if we sell or transfer our company parts. Third parties we share your data with will keep it secure and respect your privacy under the law, and we take steps to ensure the companies we work with also comply with the GDPR.

Anti-Spam Policy

We comply with Anti-Spam laws. If you opt-in to receive our newsletter, marketing, or other communications, the option to unsubscribe will be included in every email. If we sell or transfer any of our business or assets, certain information about our clients may be a part of that sale or transfer. If such sale or transfer results in a material change to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you.


We may send cookies, Facebook pixels, and/or other tracking signals to your computer to uniquely identify your browser and improve the quality of our service and/or advertising. We use cookies to identify when you visit our Site and Booking Site, store information about your preferences, personalize the Site and Booking SIte and/or advertisements you may see, and analyze the use and performance of our Site and Booking Site.

Third Party Links

This Site and Booking Site may contain links to third-party websites. Unless otherwise stated, this Privacy Policy only covers information we collect from you on this Site and the Booking Site. Any other link will be covered by the privacy policy of that specific site. You acknowledge and accept that we are not responsible for third parties' privacy policies or practices.

Data Security and Breach Response

We do our best to protect your information from any unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure. We may allow access to your data to our employees, contractors, and service providers that need to know such data to perform necessary business services. Personal data will be kept confidential, and employees and/or contractors will only have access to it when necessary. Secure password managers and platforms will be used to manage data access when possible.

Should there be a potential breach of personal data, we have procedures in place to respond. The breach will be identified, the scope will be determined, and we will make reports and/or notifications if we are legally required.

You acknowledge that the personal information you voluntarily share could be accessed or tampered with by a third party. You agree that we are not responsible for any intercepted information shared through our Site without our knowledge or permission. Additionally, you release us from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of such intercepted information in any unauthorized manner. You agree to notify us of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your information.

Data Retention & Destruction

Personal data that we process for any purpose shall not be kept for longer than necessary to fulfill its collection purpose or satisfy a legal or accounting purpose. In some cases, your data may be anonymized for research purposes and used indefinitely. If your data no longer meets any of the above criteria, personal data will be deleted or otherwise disposed of safely and securely.

International Transfers

Your data may be transferred to other countries, and by using the Website, you consent to the transfer of information to countries outside your country of residence. If you are located in the European Union, we may store and share your data with companies outside the European Economic Area. We will always do our best to ensure the security of your data. We aim to use US-based providers as part of the EU-US Privacy Shield. You may always request information on how and where your data is processed and stored.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

We do not knowingly collect or solicit data online from or market online to children under the age of 13 in compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Changes to this Policy

You acknowledge and agree that you have reviewed this Privacy Policy and will continue to review this Policy to be aware of any modifications. We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us or by placing a prominent notice on this Site and the Booking Site.

Your Rights

Your rights under data protection laws include the right to access, erase, correct, restrict, and/or object to our use and processing of your data and the right to portability of the data. You have the right to confirm how and where we process your data. To the extent that the legal basis for our processing consent, you have the right to withdraw at any time. If you consider our processing to infringe data protection laws, you have the right to complain with a supervisory authority.

Our Information

This Site is owned and operated by: 

Ananda Shala Healing, LLC

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please email